Upcoming events.

Women’s Bible Study
Join us every other Thursday at 7 pm as we go through the book of Psalms. We can’t wait to see you there! Contact us for more details.

Family Service
The first Sunday of every month is a special Family Service at Cloquet Community Church, and we love having kids be part of this gathering! There is no Kids Church during this time, but we provide fun and engaging activity bags for the little ones to grab and enjoy.
Afterward, we gather for a potluck-style meal, offering a wonderful opportunity for fellowship and connection. Come share a meal and enjoy great conversations with friends, both new and old. We look forward to seeing you there!

District Blitz
District Blitz is an annual student ministers conference hosted by the North Central District of the EFCA and CNC. The purpose of District Blitz is: “To provide a conference that challenges students to love God, love one another, and love the lost.” Students will experience teachings that are biblical, energetic, and challenging, as well as worship times, and practical workshops. Its always an amazing weekend! Contact us for more details.

Youth Group
Youth Group is all about Fun. During the school year, we meet each Wednesday night from 6:30 -8 at Church. A typical night is playing group activity games or mixers, then we head into a time of worship through songs, and then we open God’s Word and learn more about Him. The goal is for students to know Jesus and make Him known to their friends. Grades 6-12th are invited to join us for the best night of the week!

Men's Breakfast
All men are invited for breakfast every other Thursday at 6 am. Enjoy great food and a chance to connect with the men in our community. We would love to see you there! Contact us for more details.